Friday, July 22, 2016

Thoughts on D'Souza's film, Hillary's America

Hillary's America: 

the Secret History of the Democratic Party

Thoughts on Dinesh D'Souza's New Film


Eric Paul Nolte

Last night we saw Dinesh D'Souza's Hillary's America: the Secret History of the Democratic Party.

Don't miss this film, no matter what your politics.

In this circus of a presidential election, a little perspective from history might bring a measure of sanity.

If you don't know Dinesh D'Souza's work, it might help to place him as an author and film producer who has been called the Michael Moore of the right.

Now, in 2012, D'Souza produced 2016: Obama's America, which was, among other things, a biography of Obama's communist and Muslim family, roots, and mentors. In this film, D'Souza condemned Obama for his penchant for rule by edict and his cavalier disregard for the constitution. The film greatly angered Obama and his circle.

Recently, D'Souza observed that if one attacks the empire, one can expect "the empire to strike back." Knowing the habits of the thin-skinned Obama and his friends at the IRS, one might not be surprised to learn that in the wake of D'Souza's donating a few thousand dollars to the political campaign of a friend, he was indicted for some commonly practiced irregularity in this campaign contribution and was sentenced to eight months in jail. He was further compelled to give community service for another period, and, get this!-- he was compelled to undergo a course of psycho-therapy, as if he needed to be psychologically brought back from the road to perdition! To my nose, this punishment smells like the view that only the mentally ill could oppose Obama, and has the whiff of a Soviet-style practice of justice. To my eye, D'Souza's "crime" has the appearance of the recent and infamous IRS attacks on political groups that were known to oppose the ruling party's policies, and it was only those groups that were thus assaulted.

D'Souza's new film reveals the Democratic Party from the early days of the republic as a trail of tears and tyranny (as the term was used to describe Democratic president Andrew Jackson's murderous policy of relocating Indians to reservations out west.) The Democratic Party grew out of shameful roots as the party of slavery, broken treaties, oppression and murder of the Indians. In addition, they were the party of the KKK, the Jim Crow south, and they were the righteous defenders of negro lynchings. I knew that Woodrow Wilson had shamefully maneuvered the US into World War I, but I did not know of Wilson's approval of the KKK and other racist sentiments (which I just looked up and is corroborated by among other sources, a PBS episode of The American Experience.)

Since FDR, the Democratic party has been the more statist party (notice that I don't give the Republicans a pass on this matter of collectivism and statism.) But the Democrats have done far more than the Republicans in dragging us ever farther down Friedrich Hayek's Road to Serfdom by savaging the rights of individuals to their own lives, liberty, and property. The Republicans in recent decades may have been rather toothless in their defense of the liberty and other rights of individuals, but they have not been such active crusaders against these rights as the Democrats.

D'Souza's new film is dramatically told with stunning, big-screen production values (sometimes a little over-the top, I must say...), guided by the artistic eye of Gerald Molen, famous for the films, Schindler's List and Jurassic Park.

The New York Times' review of this film is so snarky and sarcastic that any intellectually honest viewer should feel irresistibly drawn to see it!

It is shameful that this year the Republicans have failed to offer an inspiring alternative to the criminal, lying, corrupt party of Hillary. But see the film anyway!

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