Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!


Eric Paul Nolte

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

While it's been 20 years since you left us here on Planet Earth, your spirit stays close to my heart! Your love beats inside my heart and has always been the thing that sustained me through not a few challenges in my life.

Surely there's no good reason not to wish you a happy mother's day merely because you passed away, no?



Saturday, May 8, 2021

Ominous Parallels

Ominous Parallels


Eric Paul Nolte

As I woke up this morning, I was musing on the fact that today is the 8th of May, which is V.E. Day, the 76th anniversary of Victory in Europe, the victory of the Allies over Germany. This victory followed some five years of excruciating conflict to stop the national socialist ethos that animated the German war machine.

It was this ethos, this philosophy, and the long-growing parallels with it, that inspired Leonard Peikoff to publish his 1982 book, _The Ominous Parallels: the End of Freedom in America_.
How sad and angering to think how far the U.S. has continued its descent towards a government that has now unleashed the inner totalitarians who live inside a staggering number of our citizens. I feel beside myself when trying to make sense of the madness we are now witnessing, especially in this last horrible year. This descent is as sad as it is maddening. What to do?

